Thursday, May 9, 2019

Pope issues new rules mandating the reporting of sexual abuse to Church authorities

Pope issues new rules mandating the reporting of sexual abuse to Church authorities

早幾十年出,就唔駛有咁多受害者,有咁多人承受痛苦…… 呢個係一個徹頭徹尾嘅 團體管治問題。
除咗教會內上報問題外, 更更更重要嘅概念係教會唔係超然於法律, 即係有人上報咗, 證明事件屬實後,教會高層唔可以關門打仔就算數!

\\First of all that leadership is not above the law," Scicluna said, "and second that leadership needs to know, all of us in leadership we need to know, that if the people love the Church they're going to denounce us when we do something wrong.\\

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